Healthy Hips, Happy Knees

Are you experiencing knee pain while running? A common cause of knee pain is weak hips. Weak hips can cause pain on the front of the knee or the side of the knee 1,2. The hips work to control movement at the knee and weakness can lead to increased pressure and strain on the [...]

Healthy Hips, Happy Knees2021-07-23T15:02:32-07:00

Stretching: Methods and Guidelines

Tissues can become tight or stiff from an activity or with prolonged positioning, possibly leading to pain or difficulty performing simple tasks such as reaching overhead. Stretching is important to maintain flexibility of these tissues, increase joint range, and prevent loss of motion. For an illustrated guide...

Stretching: Methods and Guidelines2021-07-23T15:52:02-07:00

Knee Injuries: The ACL

ACL injuries are common amongst high school and collegiate athletes in high risk sports, ranging from sprains to complete ruptures. They generally occur during activities including changing direction while running, coming to an abrupt stop, improper landing upon jumping, and collisions during contact sports.

Knee Injuries: The ACL2021-07-23T15:59:58-07:00

No Pain, No Gain

Is “no pain, no gain” a good approach to exercise? When experiencing discomfort during exercise, there is a difference between muscle soreness and pain. Most people believe that muscle soreness is due to a buildup of lactic acid within the muscles but it actually develops from the repair process in response to tiny muscle fiber breakdown, or small tears, during a workout1.

No Pain, No Gain2021-07-23T16:17:20-07:00

AlterG: The Game-Changer

Joint pain? Back pain? Want to run but it puts strain on your knees? We are excited to introduce a revolutionary new machine that is advancing a patient’s ability to progress towards their goals and enhance their quality of life. In the short time it has been at our Lynden, WA facility we [...]

AlterG: The Game-Changer2021-08-03T12:10:14-07:00